Friday, December 31, 2010

Self Portrait in a Hotel

2007, Oil Pastel, 14"x 11"
Self Portraits

Since the New Year is the traditional time for introspection....

Happy New Year!!


  1. I like the way you have your head half in shadow and half in the light.
    Oil pastels huh, I myself could never get comfortable with that medium. Though I've seen others do great things with it.

  2. Thank you Philip. Oil pastels to me are like adult crayons. I'd been using soft pastel for years and my wife mistakenly gave me a set of oil pastel for Christmas. Fell in love with them. They also happen to be safer to use.

  3. Thank you, Todd. Greetings from the Waldorf.

  4. This is fantastic, Ski!
    I never could get the hang of oil pastels. Mine were always too sticky by the time I got to them.

  5. Thanks, Liz. I've found that I have to walk away from them if they get too sticky. Sometimes it becomes a little like sculpting.
